According to a new report, the adoption of technology is on the rise across the logistics industry.

The report, released by global logistics software company CartonCloud, has revealed the current changes logistics operators are making in order to meet increased customer demand across the sector as a whole.

It offers valuable insight into the future of logistics operations in Australia, and what businesses can expect over the next few years.



What is the report?

The report released by CartonCloud Logistics Index (CCLI) focused on changes in the logistics industry. Logistics companies are responsible for planning and carrying out the travel and storage of goods and information. This ensures the supply chain between creators and consumers runs smoothly.

The report takes into account logistics data collected over the last two years from companies around the country.  It also provides insight into common recession fears and investment goals that inform decisions.



What did it reveal?

Almost 2000 individuals working in the logistics field were surveyed by CartonCloud. As a result, they found that a high number of logistics operators in Australia and New Zealand are turning to innovative technology to support their growing businesses.

In fact, 27 percent of respondents claimed their companies were looking to invest in artificial intelligence, while 26 percent had their sights set on 3D resource planning, and another 23 percent on robotics and automation.

According to the COO of CartonCloud and Head of North America Shaun Hagen, “The world of logistics has moved into the digital realm and the digitization of the logistics industry has grown significantly in recent years.”

“We’re seeing companies of all sizes gaining access to niche and specialised technology.”

With a steadily increasing demand from customers for simpler and more effective services, as well as the possibility of saving costs by converting to digitized tracking and operations, there is lots to gain by accepting technological advancements.

But what implications do these findings actually have?



What developments should we expect?

The report reveals that technology is becoming increasingly important to logistics companies as they focus on balancing increases in customer demands and increases in costs.

Similarly, businesses are also concerned with how to collect and share data in order to develop partnerships in the industry and outsource information.

“It’s a trend we’ve seen increasing over time, and it goes hand in hand with the intent to invest in technology,” says Shaun.

“This laser focus on partnerships and outsourcing has created a greater value and awareness of software integrations and systems that support this flexibility and real-time data sharing.”

Beyond just upscaling operations, there are other smaller developments being made thanks to the introduction of new technology.

“Warehouse management and transport management software has enabled smaller players to achieve massive gains, and enhanced integration functions allow secure and fast data transfer between industry partners,” Shaun explains.

This technology can help to increase productivity in the supply chain, minimizing costs and errors for maximum success. Tech plays a role in all aspects of the logistics industry, from trucking and transportation to management and shipment tracking. By allowing businesses and customers to monitor the supply of goods and information, technology is helping the logistics industry to thrive.

CartonCloud hopes the report can be utilised by businesses in Australia and New Zealand to better understand changes in the industry, streamline operations, and future-proof their companies.

To discover how technology is impacting other Aussie industries, click here.