The possible power of Aussie pine nuts

The possible power of Aussie pine nuts

Pine nuts could be Australia’s next big industry, but there are a few challenges to overcome first. Recently, AgriFutures Australia released the Australian Pine Nut Strategic RD&E Plan (2022-2023). This ten-year scheme highlights the benefits of developing a...
How red seaweed is saving the environment

How red seaweed is saving the environment

Red seaweed could help limit the environmental impact of cows. A recent study has found that feeding cattle red seaweed could reduce their methane emissions. Published in the international journal Animal Feed Science and Technology, it suggested dairy farmers could...
Why all farmers should check on their honeybees

Why all farmers should check on their honeybees

A new campaign is hoping to encourage Aussie farmers to monitor the health of their bee hives The ‘Bee Pest Blitz’ is an annual month-long campaign that started on 1 April. It emphasizes bee biosecurity and prioritizes protection against pests. According to Dr Jenny...
Lord of the fruit flies

Lord of the fruit flies

Every year, fruit flies destroy hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of fruit and vegetable in Australia. But after three successive years of La Niña, the meteorological phenomenon that lowers temperatures and causes heavy rains, some parts of our country are...