by Matilda Meikle | Feb 20, 2025 | Charity
Discover three Australian charities supporting those in need with a range of health and education programs. Youth Projects Established in 1984, Youth Projects is a charity offering outreach, education and employment opportunities to individuals...
by Matilda Meikle | Dec 15, 2022 | Charity
In Australia, homelessness is increasing, with around 116,000 people considered homeless across the country. And nearly half of this homeless population is under the age of 25. Homelessness includes many things, from living in severely crowded dwellings, supported...
by Phoebe Tran | Jul 5, 2022 | Charity
As the war between Ukraine and Russia wages on with no end in sight, more than half of Ukraine’s 7 million children have been forced to flee from their homes. Living in shelters or even on the streets, cold and afraid, these experiences no doubt pose a huge strain on...
by Emily Riches | May 31, 2022 | Charity, Youth
Since 1979, Yfoundations has been the NSW peak body representing young people at risk of and experiencing homelessness, as well as representing the services that provide direct support to those young people. We spoke to their CEO Pam Barker about her passion for...
by Emily Riches | May 10, 2022 | Charity
In 2014, two 20-year-olds had the idea to put two washers and dryers in the back of a van to help those doing it tough with free laundry. Now, seven years on, they provide mobile laundry and shower services all around Australia – and, most importantly, a place to...