by Matilda Meikle | Jun 13, 2024 | Environment
Research shows that a record number of Australian species have been added to the national threatened species list over the last two years. An increase in land clearing and climate change is having a major impact on native animals in a trend which could see higher...
by Matilda Meikle | May 10, 2024 | Environment
Reintroducing bilbies to mild climate zones could be successful, according to a new study. Researchers working with bilbies at Taronga Western Plains Zoo have discovered that the marsupials could thrive in temperate Australian climates where they once lived more than...
by Matilda Meikle | Apr 12, 2024 | Environment
A new method of frog collection could help conservationists to save endangered amphibian species. While frogs may not seem like a scarce species, they belong to a class of animals known as amphibians, the most endangered group of species on the planet. Currently, two...
by Matilda Meikle | Sep 12, 2023 | Environment
Research has revealed that the Southern Pygmy Perch is at risk of extinction. The small native fish species are dropping in numbers due to predatory threats and changes to their habitat. However, a new project hopes to provide these creatures with the support they...
by Matilda Meikle | May 18, 2022 | Environment
In an attempt to save the critically endangered Mountain pygmy-possums from climate change, a project years in the making has been launched in Lithgow. With less than 3000 of this species left in the wild, scientists are hoping to breed pygmy-possums and...